If an item is missing from your delivery, please accept our apologies and we would be glad to carry out all the due verifications to assist you. We invite you to contact our Customer Service via e-mail (help@firenzemuiseistore.com) or by the contact form. Please inform us your order number and attach a few pictures of the parcel. The acknowledgment of receipt will be an automatic or manual e-mail sent by our Customer Service informing the Customer the receipt of its request. If this e-mail is not received, the Customer must contact again the Seller by e-mail or contact form.
The Seller will make every reasonable effort to replace the defective product at its own expense and within a reasonable time. When this is not possible, or is excessively burdensome for the Seller, the Consumer shall be entitled to terminate the 'Contract of Sale' and, consequently, to obtain a reimbursement for the purchase amount and product shipment, to the exclusion of any further liability from the Seller, for any reason.